Nerd is a term that refers to a person who likes intellectual activities and/or pursues obscure interests, rather than engaging in more social or conventional activities. I refer to myself as a nerd as I would much rather learn stuff than go out and socialise.
Anyway on to exams, everyone has to take them at some point in their life, unless they are extremely lucky, whether they take them for educational purposes, to be able to drive legally, to achieve something in a sporting activity or dancing. This next statement will take me to the bottom of the school social status and maybe even to a new level of nerdyness but I will say it any way I like exams.
Yes, you read that right, I LIKE exams.
This is because exams test what I know (yes, friends, I know things) and if I can put that knowledge in to practise, without the teachers guidance. Also exams allow us to distinguish the gaps between knowledge of classmates and/or friendship groups. When I think of people that like exams, Hermoine, from Harry Potter always springs to mind. She is the one who always has to be right, get the best marks and know everything she can. I can relate to her, a lot.
The only thing I don't like about exams is the waiting for the results as I feel like I need to know who I have beaten or who has beaten me so I can try better the next time. Additionally I don't like the lead up to the exam, with all the teachers fussing and making us revise. My parents both make me revise at home when I have an exam, I don't need to revise in school as well I would much rather be learning more facts about that topic/subject.